Books,  You Could Do Damage

You Could Do Damage

Gianna Jameson is as stubborn and stuck in her ways as a woman can get. She’s trained to believe that her family is cursed in the love department.

Gia doesn’t believe love exists for her. If it does, it’ll only end in tragedy. The best way to defeat the curse is to avoid love.
Can the right man dispel the curse?

Zakari Lawrence isn’t a love hater. He sees no need for it until he’s ready to give up his free lifestyle. No woman has yet to show him the light so he will move how he wants with whomever he wants.

That’s until his childhood crush comes back home and rearranges his timeline. For her, he’d drop everything and everyone to have the very thing he’s avoided this far: a committed relationship.

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Shit didn’t sit well with me about Gia messing with low ass niggas. I had too much respect for her to let that go. Yes, I gave her a hard time with jokes, but that’s what we did. Always been that way. 

She stared out the window the entire drive to her place. I ain’t have nothing else to say to her at first. I was… disappointed.

What was she doing? Gia could have any man she wanted. Picking randos was so beneath her. 

Seeing that dude grab on her had me heated. Then realizing he’d for real had her, touched her. It was bad enough watching her dance on him, but knowing they’d done more had me tripping.

If anyone came at Janelle crazy, I’d go for the dome. Same with Gia. Stupid crush aside.

When we pulled up to the building, her crazy ass thought I’d let her walk in the dark in the middle of the night. I didn’t care how much she was in her feelings about me calling her out. I’d make sure she got in safely. She opened the garage door. The last time I parked on the street and came in through the lobby. All these damn turns up to the 6th floor irritated me, but the closer we got to her floor, I had to say something.

I parked, ready to apologize if I came off hard, but she hopped out before I turned off the car. “Gia?” I yelled after she slammed my door. She didn’t stop for even a second. I turned the car off and went after her. “Gia, wait!” A three-second jog caught me up. “Damn, can you wait up? What’s up with you?”

Gia turned around with her arms swinging near her hips. “Look little boy, I don’t need no damn babysitter. Nor do I need yo’ ass judging me about what I do with my—” She stopped herself and took a deep breath. “Get in your car and leave. I’m safe. Thank you for the ride.”

“No. I’ll leave when you’re in your apartment. I don’t want to hear shit else about it.”

Gia’s darkened eyes set on mine like I’d challenged her and she’d accepted. “Who the fuck you think you talking to? I’m not one of your little hoes. I’m a grown ass woman and I do not need your help.”

“A grown ass woman who gives out a fake name, huh?” I dropped my head and laughed. “Yeah, real ladylike. I should’ve let old dude finish whatever he was doing at the club. Miss Grown Ass can handle herself when a nigga grabs her drunk ass.”

“I’m not drunk. I’m tipsy. There’s a difference. And stop acting like he was trying to kidnap me.”

“Shit, who knows? He could’ve if I wasn’t there. ’Cause that’s the shit that happens when you go around fucking people you don’t know.”

Gia stepped back, balling her fist like it was about to go down. “You little motherfucker. You know nothing about me. How dare you stand there and look down on me? You ain’t no better. You were leaving with a girl you just met. Did you give her the same speech? She didn’t know yo’ stupid ass no more than I knew him.”

She had a point, but this wasn’t about me. “Whatever, G. Let’s go to your apartment so I can go.”

Gia spun around and marched to the door of her hallway. She used her fob to open it. We walked all the way down the hall to get to her place. As soon as I saw the door, I had to use the restroom.

“We’re here. You can go now. Handle your duties for the night with your females besties that you respect completely. That’s what is, right? Not random bitches, but best friends.”

I smacked my lips. She always had shit to say. “I need to use the restroom.”

“Hmph. Sounds like a you problem. I’m sure one of your many girls has a bathroom. Bye.” Gia unlocked and opened the door before quickly stepping inside. She turned to close it in my face, but I stuck my foot in the way first. 

“Man, quit playing. Just let me use your bathroom and I’ll leave.”

When she didn’t move, I pushed the door with a little more force. “I didn’t say you can come into my house, Zakari. Go pee outside. I’m sure my place isn’t good enough for self-righteous assholes like yourself.”

“Ay, watch yo’ mouth.” I closed the door behind me. She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes for the millionth time. Them suckers should be turned inside out by now. No matter what she did, no matter how disrespectful, I wanted her. I wanted to strip her down and make love to her on the island she leaned on once she moved out of the way. That attitude didn’t help any of it die down. 

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