Why the Two Lefts, One Right title?
The question has been asked too many times about the title of my first novella, Two Lefts, One Right.
I think it may be more clear after you read the book. Hopefully 😉
Two Lefts, One Right came to mind while listening to music. I can’t remember the song I was listening to, but it inspired me to write this story.
In love and general relationships, we make turns. Whether phases or terrible mistakes, they affect our relationships.
The Two Lefts are two major mistakes that both main characters make, and ultimately, they will have to pay for it.
One Right is trying to make a good decision after all the mess blows over. Just simply doing the right thing.
I can’t give too much away, but there will be more than just two mistakes. Kim and Trent are constantly pissing each other off lol. In the end, they try to make it right for themselves.
When the title came about, I told someone close to me, and she screamed over the phone. She understood it right away.
My initial plan was to have an engaged couple argue about a move and one will start cheating as revenge. The other would find out but would keep quiet so they could do the same. Eventually, one would try to fix the mess they both made, but the other would have unintentionally fallen in love with the person they were cheating with. What a mess, right?
But once my fingers get to typing, things change. My outline is never in stone because I need the freedom to change my mind as I go. I let the characters take me where they want to go. Sometimes it’s in line with what I planned and other times, not so much.
That’s what makes writing so exciting. I love doing it because I fall in love with the characters or end up hating them, but that only means I did a decent job.
In Two Lefts, One Right, I think you may end up hating a character or two depending on how you look at things.
You can get a little taste of the book here.
Tell me what you think in the comments and if you end up buying it, feel free to leave a review.
Read on my peoples. I’m out.